SARJ - Simple Active Record for Java


This is a Java implementation of the Active Record pattern described by Martin Fowler. It is intended to be a light weight, easy to use system for accessing a database within Java programs.

This implementation requires Java 5 or above

Quick Start

  1. Download the latest SARJ jar file the download page
  2. Download the JDBC implementation for the database you're using (e.g. oracle.jar for Oracle, mysql-connector-java-5.1.5-bin.jar for MySQL)
  3. Create a file called containing details for connecting to your database eg.
  4. Create subclasses of ActiveRecord named after the database tables you're going to access eg.
          class Customer extends ActiveRecord
  5. Put all of these files on the classpath of your Java application
  6. From within your Java application you can now access your database using code like this,
          // Create
          Customer john = new Customer();
          john.set("NAME", "John");
          john.set("AGE", 25);
          Customer greg = new Customer();
          greg.set("NAME", "Greg");
          greg.set("AGE", 47);
          // Read
          List<Customer> customers = ActiveRecord.find(Customer.class);
          for (Customer customer : customers)
            System.out.println("Found customer - Name: " + customer.get("NAME") +
                ", age: " + customer.get("AGE"));
          // Update
          john = ActiveRecord.find(Customer.class, "NAME = ?", "John").first();
          john.set("AGE", 26);
          // Delete
          customers = ActiveRecord.find(Customer.class);
          for (Customer customer : customers)
    For a full list of the operations available see the API documentation. For full code examples download a copy of the project and look in the examples directory.
  7. You're done, have an orange Logo